Vi har nu inlett slutskedet i ombyggnationen av vår nya hemsida. Ni kan redan nu se vissa av sajtens delar, och vi tackar ödmjukast för ert fantastiska tålamod och hoppas att ni kommer att bli lika nöjda som vi när lanseras till 100% Under tiden kan ni lägga er beställning via pm på vår facebook-sida, via eller via telefon. Det går också bra att använda hemsidans messenger-funktion som går direkt till oss via Facebook Stort tack för ert tålamod Varma hälsningar /Sara & Tobias
We have now begun the final stages in the rebuilding of our new website.You can already see some of the parts of the site, and we humbly thank you for your fantastic patience and hope that you will be as happy as us when is launched to 100% In the meantime, you can place your order via pm on ourfacebook page, via or by phone.It is also possible to use the website’s messenger function which goes directly to us via FacebookMany thanks for your patienceWarm greetings / Sara & Tobias
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We have now begun the final stages in the rebuilding of our new website.You can already see some of the parts of the site, and we humbly thank you for your fantastic patience and hope that you will be as happy as us when is launched to 100%.
In the meantime, you can place your order via pm on ourfacebook page, via or by phone.
It is also possible to use the website’s messenger function which goes directly to us via Facebook.
We help you with a personal solution and we give you all the information and pictures you are looking for.
Many thanks for your patienceWarm greetings / Sara & Tobias